This is What I’m About . . .


Triumph. challenge. ultimate fortitude.

Like everyone, I have faced my fair share of victory and adversity. When it was good, it was really good. When it was rough, it was really rough. I’ve also had that luke-warm experience in the middle . . .you know that mediocre-acceptance type of existence where you just feel stuck?

But for me, I can’t dwell in those spaces. When those challenges come my way I have to find a way out. No matter what, I’m always dedicated to my faith and my family. And when those challenges come, I lean in hard to find a way through.

In 2014 I had a big shake-up in my business. It nearly took me out.

You see, in 2005 I was introduced to the sport of CrossFit through my good friend and Marine, Lance Cantu. Immediately, I knew I had discovered the path I had been seeking since I first started training.

I took $500 and built a million dollar garage gym facility in less than three years. I was riding high, feeling great, continuously pushing physical boundaries.

Then, in 2014 it came to a crashing halt. Over one-third of my clients left overnight due to a gym split. That moment would lead my business to near bankruptcy. We had to sell our home. The next two years would be a constant struggle with no paycheck, legal battles, and relationships severed.

All I had was my faith, my family and the desire to do more and be more.

I was in the fight of my life. I had to find a way through it. I began seeking what was next. I found HeartMath, Wim Hof, XPT, and PEMF. I began using these methods to bring me into massive action. Then I began teaching these methods to my team and implementing them inside our community. Today, my business and family are thriving. Now, I want to help you awaken to YOUR true power.